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Resigning before Getting a New Job: Good or Bad Idea?

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

There are many, many reasons to quit your job and get a new job in the process. The question is, it is okay to resign from before getting yourself a new job? You may have not thought about it deeply beforehand, but HR just won’t accept anyone who quitted their jobs, for many reasons as well. Just like you, Headhunter won’t look for any quitter job applicants who can’t handle a strain or stress. Still, it’s not all black and white. Sometimes, you can’t help but to quit your job AND not having any plan afterward. That is a fact a lot of people seem to ignore these days, including the Headhunter team, HR division, and many others. The reasons vary from a toxic work environment, a bad boss, a manipulative co-worker, low salary, family matters, etcetera. These problems strike when you least expect them, and in turn, you’re left unable to have any time to formulate a plan.

Does this mean you’re not allowed to resign before getting a new job? NO. Oh, so you’re free to resign even before getting a new job? NO! Many factors decide whether you are right or wrong to quit a job before getting a new one. Fear not, we’re here to help. Before you hand over that resignation letter to the HR, read on these important points to decide whether you should quit now or wait to land a new job application.

The Reason

The big question: why did you want to quit? While there are many reasons, please make sure it’s a good one. Do not resign because of an impulse or a temporary fit of anger. Ensure that resigning is the last option you have, so you may not regret it later.

Unfinished Business

You may have decided to resign, but pay attention to the time. It is currently during the busy season? Is the company’s anniversary coming soon? And maybe you have some work unfinished…? Make sure everything is done and the time is right before deciding to pursue another career.

Know the Risks

Resigning from your company and then embarking on a job search after leaving is fine. It’s not impossible, many have done it before and even made a new successful career down the line. But they knew the risks of resigning before getting a new job, so you should too. Do you still have enough money to live by without any salary for the next few months? What about your daily life necessities? Do you have a family? Maybe a child or two who need to go to school? After assessing these things, you can decide whether to resign now or later.

Be Positive

Let’s say you made the decision to resign and now no longer working. Do not pout or get depressed. Even when your job search isn’t going anywhere, be positive. This is probably your big chance to reflect on your life and do other things you’re interested in, so smile!

In conclusion, resigning before getting a new job can be good or bad. That depends on how and when you decide to quit, as well as having a positive attitude. Good luck with your decision!

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